

TeachOn is a professional development hub designed to connect, resource, and grow educators around the globe. Subscribing educators have access to:

  • The Virtual Teacher Desk:
    A personalized virtual space to curate your own content from the eLibrary. Reference, download, review, and share materials to build your practice.
  • The “Plugged In” Community:
    Connect with a community of educators by posting, commenting, and subscribing to grow your network and discuss topics relevant to your practice.
  • The eLibrary:
    A curated library of evidence-based reference materials and exemplars that inform and develop instructional practices.
  • LearnOn:
    A collection of sequenced professional development experiences that target pedagogical practices such as STEM learning, remote instruction, social-emotional learning, planning frameworks, technology integration, and more!
  • Additional Programming:
    Choose from a variety of additional programming ranging from tool-specific professional development to school-wide STEM implementation.

TeachOn provides a personalized professional development solution where educators can grow their instructional skills anytime and anywhere.


TeachOn provides educators with personalized professional learning opportunities that are on-demand, on going, and online. From sequenced learning collections to community feedback to timely and relevant resources, TeachOn was designed:

  1. To connect, resource, and grow educators by virtually modeling best practices and interacting with digital learning communities,
  2. To support educators across the globe with evidence-based professional development, and
  3. To connect and engage educators in a virtual community.

teachOn was founded by Eduscape, a company that works to rethink learning by designing solutions that inspire inquiry, creativity, and collaboration. To learn more about Eduscape, visit: https://eduscape.com/